
.Just Another Manic Monday.

Clearly I'm not as great at updating in this new version of my blog as I had been. It happens...

Interesting thing I've come to discover after extensive trails--I sell 50% more when wearing a bow in my ponytail.
I kid you not.

Other news. I will be moving in May. I am very excited about the change. It'll be good for my spirit. However, in order to not piss off the current roommates, I am in desperate need to fill my vacancy. So, if any of y'all know any female looking for a place to live in the mound near school, hit me up, I need all the help I can get.

In other news, my internship fell through. Onto plan B. Oh shit... there wasn't one. Basically because I am having a hard enough time getting everything done for the next week that I have to do let alone for the next three months!

Spring break, what a joke. I was almost more busy this past week than I usually am. And regardless of all my "free time" (aka more schedule open to have to work...) I did not accomplish many of my goals.

So... I think that about covers it for now.

Oh, one last thing. I owe $1000 between the car repair I need and the taxes I owe. Damn capitalism! I don't have $1000 and I don't think the IRS takes credit cards...

1 comment:

Sonal said...

bows are beautious...
Sadly, I have night class till about 9pm, so I think I'll miss out...huge bummer cuz i really miss you too!! come visit me in MH! have fun!