
.Everybody Come See How Good It Looks!.

Hey everyone,
go visit my friend Sonal's blog!!!!!

She's in a comment competition for school, so check it out and leave her some love!

It doesn't even matter if you know her or not, just help her out because she's amazing.



AFI, stop pretending like you're any good live.

Also, Davey Havok, either get some bobby pins or get a haircut.


.So Why Don't You Marry It?.

I got a 19" widescreen monitor with my Christmas money. I also got a TV tuner for my computer.

I'm still working on setting up the TV tuner, but that screen, it's a beaut!

Seriously, my computer is turning out to be awesome. And I love that it is all mine. How much sweeter could it get?

Uh... if I still wasn't making payments on it, that's how...


.Wheat Gladiator Time.

If all the breads faced off in a cagematch white bread would most certainly lose.
It's not simply because of its sheer lack of nutrients, but also because of whimpiness.

So, RIP white bread. You will be missed by second graders.


."As My Grandfather Willie Used To Say".

If the shoe don't fit, then that ain't yo' shoe.


Our house guest is really sick.
Even though I've only been around her for the end half of a movie and in passing, I'm catching it.

School starts again next week. I totally forgot to budget for books. This sucks.
I guess I find out on Friday if BBE is actually going to pay me on time.

I still haven't put the sheets back on my bed since getting back to the mound. I have done some organizing though, but mostly working at the IBB and sleeping 24/7.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more exciting than the past 5 days. I wish I knew of something to do around here. Otherwise it is more sloth and cable reruns tomorrow for me. (But that's not so bad either!)



WE had our first good snow on the 31st.
It was a beautiful snow and quite poetic to be on the last day of the year. Odd though to have no snow on Christmas. Oh well.
I love the way snow looks when it is fresh!


.Sabbatical Over.

Hey guys, I'm back.
It's been since October, so I would assume no one is still checking.

If you're still out there, give me a holla!
